🎄 Very Vanilla Pound Cake 2.0 + Today's Cozy, Curated Holiday Demo: Cake Freezing
4 months ago • 1 min readHey Reader! Good Morning! This year, we're rewriting our holiday story. No more being the blur in the background, rushing between kitchen and dining room. No more missing the family photos because we're still wearing our flour-dusted aprons. 2024 is the year we get to be in the pictures, relaxed and present for every moment. ✨ That's exactly what our Cozy, Curated Holiday series is all about – editing the holidays to work better for us makers and doers. And I'm excited to share two...
READ POST💫 First Look for Subscribers! (And, the greatest idea for your holiday weekend brunches!) 🥚
7 months ago • 1 min readHi Reader! Happy Friday! There's a brand new blog post on the Begin with Butter site. And because you're a Quick Tips subscriber, it's yours exclusively! Want to look at this special recipe? Type QTQuiche when you're prompted for the password and you're in! Enjoy this first look! Protected: Easy and Delicious Quiche Published on August 31, 2024 by Shani The post Protected: Easy and Delicious Quiche first appeared on Begin with Butter. Enjoy the article! Got questions or need guidance? Reply...
READ POSTQuick Tips with Shani - My Layer Cake Fell Apart!
7 months ago • 2 min readDon't want Quick Tips with Shani? Click here to opt out of this BwB newsletter! Hey Reader! Welcome to Quick Tips with Shani! Today's topic: How to Avoid a Wobbly Layer Cake How I do it: Oh, how I understand the frustration of a layer cake that wants to sliiiiiide while you're building it! Whether the cake's warm when you build it, the kitchen is too warm, there's too much filling, or the buttercream is too soft, there are a number of reasons why a layer cake might want to move about....
READ POSTQuick Tips with Shani - "I Changed x, y, z, and b in a recipe and it didn't work!"
7 months ago • 1 min readHey Reader! Welcome to Quick Tips with Shani! Today's topic: Substitutions Why it happens: We're all guilty of it (myself included!). We are looking for a different taste, texture, or (fill in the quality here) than what the recipe actually calls for. So, we experiment. And the experiment doesn't get us any closer to what we wanted. 😂 That, friends, is because successful baking relies heavily on the scientific interplay between ingredients. Which is just a fancy way of saying that some...
READ POSTQuick Tips with Shani - A Big Secret About Fruit Pies!
7 months ago • 2 min readHey Reader! Welcome to Quick Tips with Shani! Today's topic: You don't need a recipe for fruit pies. There, I said it: Well, let me modify that a bit. You don't need a recipe for the pie filling. For the pie crust, my Easy All-Butter Pie Crust is perfect for any fruit pie that you might want to make (or quiche, or pot pie, or tart, or...) For fruit pies, you are only limited by your imagination. I much prefer cooked fruit fillings because you can control the amount that the pie filling...
READ POSTQuick Tips with Shani - Sharing My Baking Mentors with You!
8 months ago • 2 min readHey Reader! Welcome to Quick Tips with Shani! Today's topic: Sharing My Baking Mentors Why this is important: BB, I know you know what it means to have information overload. I mean, it's 2024. That's kind of our default setting. Because I take learning about baking seriously, I've significantly limited the number of baking education resources that I use. Because more is decidedly not better in this instance. Here are my faves: The Professional Pastry Chef by Bo Friberg - This is my baking...
READ POSTQuick Tips with Shani - Five Recipes for Every Baker to Master
8 months ago • 2 min readHey Reader! Welcome to Quick Tips with Shani! Today's topic: Five Baking Recipes Every Baker Should Master Here they are: I truly believe, that if you master the techniques behind these five recipes, you will be well on your way to achieving kitchen mastery! NOTE: achieving mastery often requires practicing something more than once, so if you don't have a perfect outcome the first time, don't worry! Congratulate yourself for being absolutely normal, take the lessons from the bake, and apply...
READ POSTFirst Look for Subscribers! New on the Blog: The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies 🍪 ❤️ 🤩
8 months ago • 1 min readHi Reader! There's a new post on the blog today for you! It's my take on a super special classic and I hope you love it! The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Published on August 8, 2024 by Shani I remember vividly when I fell in love with chocolate chip cookies. One year, close to Christmas, my mother came breathlessly into the house, cheeks red from exposure to the suburban Chicago cold (or possibly flushed from the shopping spree she’d just been on), and she plopped down a box that read “Mrs....
READ POSTQuick Tips with Shani - My Pie Crust Melted in my Hands!
8 months ago • 2 min readDon't want Quick Tips with Shani? Click here to opt out of this BwB newsletter! Hey Reader! Welcome to Quick Tips with Shani! Today's topic: Tips for Beginning Pie Makers to Build Confidence How to do it: Pie can be challenge for even the most confident baker. And, let me tell you, it only takes one disastrous pie crust to make you doubt all of your skills. Here are some tips that I've developed for you, if you're new to making pie or you've had a difficult time in the past: Start with a...